Silicon Metal Company of Australia

The only way Simcoa can achieve its goal of being the best in the silicon market, is to have the best people.
We are extremely fortunate to have a skilled, dedicated and talented group of employees who make Simcoa the success it is today.
As a regional employer of approximately 175 people (not including site based contractors) we value not just the individual but also their families and the communities they live in.

Some of the attractive benefits we offer our employees include:
A great working environment: like all enriching environments, inclusiveness and diversity is the backbone of ours. We encourage participation, new ideas and opportunities that will realise improvements for the company and our people.
Competitive salaries: we offer remuneration packages comensurate with market rates. These rates are reviewed periodically to ensure we stay abreast of salary trends.

Professional development and job training: we have a comprehensive departmental training program to identify training needs and deliver targetted training modules. We are committed to the growth and development of our employees.
Graduate program: Simcoa has initiated a graduate program which runs for a two year period giving a graduate the opportunity for professional development in a supportive work environment.

Social Club: Simcoa has a long established, vibrant Social Club where regular social activities for Social Club members and their families are scheduled throughout the year. The Social Club's mantra is to promote harmony and fellowship between Simcoa employees and their families.
Employee Assistance program: is available to our employees and their families for free, confidential, professional counselling services for all personal and work related issues.
Simcoa is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.

Physiotherapy: Simcoa offers an on site weekly physiotherapy service that all employees can attend if required. Our physio consultant also conducts periodic training in manual handling, workplace ergonomics and other bodycare techniques for injury prevention.
Two yearly medicals: every two years Simcoa employees are invited to take part in a free health appraisal carried out by a medical practitioner. The principle objective is to detect the onset of illnesses, promote wellbeing and provide an opportunity to reinforce, safe work practices and healthy lifestyle choices amongst employees.

Since its inception Simcoa has worked consistently on developing and maintaining a strong reputation for its integrity so that we are highly valued as an employer and a business partner of choice.
To achieve this, our core values outlined in our Code of Conduct, asks our personnel to always:
respect the law and act accordingly
conduct themselves with integrity, are fair and honest in our dealings and treat others with dignity
not place themselves in situations which result in divided loyalties
use Simcoa's assets responsibly and in the best interests of Simcoa
be responsible for their actions and accountable for their consequences